pondelok 23. januára 2012

Alexander the Great

His early life before he rose to the power:
He was born in the 6th day of ancient Greek days which will be the 21st or 22nd of July in Pella, the capital city.   He was the son of the king of Macedon, Philip II, and his fourth wife, Olympias, the daughter of Neoptolemus I, king of Epirus.his father Philip II had six or seven wives but his wife Olympias was his main wife and she gave birth to Alexander. There are many legeneds about alexander’s birth and childhood. The main legened is that Olympias was pragnent before her marriage and Alexander’s ather was Zeus. Alexander was raised in the manner of noble Macedonian youths, learning to read, play the lyre, ride, fight, and hunt.

Who did he conquer and how did he accomplish so much?
At first he attacked Thessaly to take over Macedonia then he defeated the Thracians to the Danube River. When he came back, he defeated and crushed the Illyrians, but rushed back afterwards to Thebes.  After his father conquered Greek he went to conquer Egypt, Persia and got to India. He accomplished a lot because he didn’t force people to do what he wants but he had a multi-culture region, multi-religion region and he didn’t put any people into slavery.
What is he known for?
He is most famous for conquering really strong empires at that time.

What did his accomplishments mean to the world- what was his influence?
  1. The movements of Greek abroad .
  2. To spread the Greek culture around
  3. To spread the economics around the world ( he established silver coins )
  4. To spread the Greek language
  5. A higher level of education
  6.   The emergence of philosophy as representing a way of life
  7. increase of individualism ????

streda 4. januára 2012

The great kings of persian empire

1)      cyrus the great:  he is the first leader that deserves to be called the great, he is „the father of the iranian nation“ was the founder of the Achaemenid dynasty in Iran. He was chosen as the leader of Persian people in Anshan, he defeated the Medes and was chosen as the Shah of Iran. Cyrus fought with the Lydian Emipire and the Babylonian Empire. Before leaving Babylon, Cyrus also allowed Jews to return to their native land. Cyrus was the first king who put an end to slavery in all his territory. He allowed his people to continue worshipping their own gods. Cyrus died in Pasargadae. His tomb remains in Pasargadae in Iran.
2)      darius the great: he divided the Persian Empire into twenty provinces, and appointed a governor for each province. He introduced golden coins and developed commerce within the empire and trade without. Darius allowed Jews to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. He also built many temples in Egypt. The largest building that was built by Darius is the new capital of Persepolis, near Pasargadae. Darius died in Persepolis. His tomb was cut into a rock face near Persepolis. After his death, Xerxes became the Shah of Iran.
3)      xerxes the great: After Darius died, Xerxes became the Shah of Iran. At the Battle of Thermopylae, Xerxes defeated Greek warriors. After winning at Thermopylae, Xerxes then took control of Athens with his army. Finally, Greek warriors won the Battle of Salamis against Xerxes in 480 BC.

The social system of the Aryans

1) There are 3 different theories about the establishment of the caste system: There are religious-mystical theories. There are biological theories. And there are socio-historical theories.
2) Varna is a caste system that divides people into a hierarchy levels.
3) Brahmins , which are the scholars, teachers, fire priests
    Kshatriyas, which are the kings, warriors, law enforcers, administrators
    Vaishyas , which are the agriculturists, cattle raisers, traders, bankers, artisans
    Shudras , which are the laborers, craftsmen, service providers.
4) The "Untouchables"
5) Is the term used to denote clans, tribes, communities and sub-communities in India Which means that everyone belong to the origin that they were given birth in. (animals are children of animals and humans are children of humans... etc)
6) Caste members are allowed to eat and drink only when they all are together
8) Giving India stability and continuity under all different kinds of rule and Giving meaning and direction to lives of Indian people; each member of Caste has a special place in the community and a special function to perform and also Providing a framework for who makes sure certain jobs get done because a person in previous existence paved the way for his/her children and grandchildren.
9) It the earliest source of philosophical of the Hindu religion
10) is the one supreme, universal Spirit that is the origin and support of the phenomenal universe
11) this term refers to an object or place but in fact it refers to the process of continues of like “ the life cycle “ birth, life death, rebirth

12) It the cycle of cause and effect or it’s the concept of “action “ or “ deed”

Compare and contrast of ancient cultures

Religious beliefs :
In babylon there is nothing explains exactly what they have bilieved in. But in the epic of creation, its explains how the god Marduk killed the goddess Tiamat, he used her half body to creat the earth and the other half to creat both of the paradise of šamû and the netherworld of irṣitu. but Phoenician religion was inspired by the powers and processes of nature. Many of the gods they worshiped, however, were localized and are now known only under their local names. A pantheon was presided over by the father of the gods, but a goddess was the principal figure in the Phoenician pantheon. Ancient egypt has bilieved in gods  at the beggening there was 5 religion groups that had different beliefs. Everytime there was a new pharoah or a ruler they would bring with them a new religion idea „When someone rose in power, their belief system rose as well”  as a conclusion the three empires has believed in gods and goddesses but they have deferent ideas.
Writing system :
Babylonians developed an abstract form of writing based on cuneiform symbols. Their symbols were written on wet clay tablets. The Phoenician alphabet developed from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet and it was probably the first widly spread alphabet. The ancient Egyptians believed that writing was invented by the god Thoth and called their hieroglyphic script.
Babylonia was situated in the area  of Mesopotamia which is modern Iraq. Two great rivers flowed through this land: the Tigris and the Euphrates. Phoenician empire was located on the Mediterranean coast north of Palestine, in what today is bebanon and syria. Egypt was loctaed next to the nile river on north africa. So as a conclusion all of them were locted next to a water sources such as a see or a river
Agriculture advances :
In babylon  and egypt It did not rain much, but the early settlers how to irrigate and to grow crops  quickly. These early people built canals to bring water to the land from the rivers. They raised sheep, goats, and cows. They hunted wild game birds and other animals. The Phoenicians didn't really have a significant agriculture system due to the fact they had the Meditteranean.
Social structure:
In babylon kings were at the top and the slaves were at the very bottom, parents would also sell their children as slaves in the time that the really need to, and they would also kill their children as a scrifice to the gods. In every Phoenician city, the wealthy merchant aristocrats had certain rights protecting them from the full strength of the law. Under the aristocracy, were the lesser businessmen, craftsmen, dealers, shopkeepers and entrepreneurs. Below this group in social standing were the normal working man, and at the bottom, slaves. The picture here explains the social structure of Egypt:  as a conclusion all three of them had a kings and slaves.

Life in Mesopotamia Empire

The daily life was most based on the work that the people did. Most of the civilization worked at farming, other than farming was potters, builders, trader, servants, priests, kings, elders and slaves.
            They had their special clothing that men wore skirt which is called a garments ( a flounced skirt) that tied at the waist. Women usually wore gowns that covered them from their shoulders to their ankles. The right arm and shoulder were left uncovered. Men were either clean shaven or had long hair and beards. Women wore their hair long, but they usually braided it and wrapped it around their heads. When entertaining guests, women would place headdresses in their hair.
            Pots in Mesopotamia were famous because they were able to make everything shiny without any design. And they have used potting wheels (some special wheels) to make the pots.
            The Mesopotamians believed in more than three thousand god. Each city has owned its own particular god. After that each god has owned an activity or a role. They have rote many stories about them most famous was the epic of gilagmesh (it’s the oldest story) and it has contained many myths.
            They also had their writing system that consisted of a fraction of texts in the old sumarians.